Words with 4 or More Vowels
Test your knowledge of words with a lot of vowels with this quiz!
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Why is it important to know words with a lot of vowels?
Knowing words with a lot of vowels is important for Scrabble players because it helps them use the many vowel tiles they get throughout the game. Scrabble has 42 vowels out of 100 total tiles, and it’s not uncommon to have 5, 6, or even all vowels in your rack at once.
Memorizing vowel-heavy words keeps you from getting stuck and allows you to use up your vowels to rebalance your tile rack. This helps you become a more competitive player, and makes the game more fun to play!
Here are some of my favorite Scrabble words that have 4 or 5 vowels:
Aalii: a tropical tree
Aerie: a bird’s nest built high on a mountain or cliff
Audio: sound reception or transmission
Cooee: to cry out shrilly
Zoeae: a larval form of certain crustaceans
Oidia: a type of fungus
Miaou: to meow
Aecidia: an aecium (a spore-producing organ of certain fungi)
Aerobia: aerobe (an organism that requires oxygen to live)
Sequoia: a large evergreen tree
Uraemia: uremia (an abnormal condition of the blood)
Looie: a lieutenant of the armed forces
Outie: a navel curving outward
Eerie: weird
Aquae: water (a transparent, tasteless, odorless liquid)
Amoebae: a unicellular microscopic organism